Store Front

The National Bird Dog Museum Gift Shop specializes in quality merchandise especially for the lover of sporting dogs.

Unique to the National Bird Dog Museum Gift Shop is our selection of National Bird Dog Museum logo caps, t-shirts, vests, mugs, and notecards. We also carry Case pocket knives.

The shop features a large selection of books on a variety of topics including bird hunting, field trials, the history of both of these sports, and dog training.

The shop also features handcrafted pewter products including breed specific items, plates, bowls, cups, goblets, and more. This fine-quality pewter is lead-free and dishwasher safe. Brands we carry includes Woodbury Pewter and Salisbury Pewter. We also feature a line of less expensive pewter items.

Finally, the museum offers a wide array of sporting dog and wildlife artwork by well-known artists including Ross Young, Bob Bertram, Herb Strassor, Herb Booth, Julie Jepperson, and Robert Abbett. Art is available large or small and as framed or unframed prints.

Come visit the National Bird Dog Museum and Gift Shop!
You will be amazed to learn about one of America's oldest sports.

All online orders are secured through PayPal.

Orders can also be placed by:

PHONE: (731) 764-2058
FAX: (731) 764-3004
EMAIL: [email protected]

For questions about any of the items mentioned above, contact us at (731) 764-2058 during business hours.

Tuesday-Friday: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Saturday: 10:00 am - 4:00 pm
Sunday: 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Shop by Brands
- Bird Dog Foundation- Huntsmith Productions- Live Oak Brand Clothing
- Montana Silversmiths- The American Brittany Club, Inc.- Tom Word
- Trish Madell- White Dog Productions, L.L.C.- Woodbury Pewter

Shop by Category
- Accessories- Belt Buckles- Books
- Clothing- DVD- Jewelry
- Miscellaneous- Note Cards- Pewter
- Prints