Sporting Dog Wing
The Sporting Dog Wing is the newest wing of the National Bird Dog Museum and was opened to the public in 2012. The Sporting Dog Wing houses exhibits representative of the following breeds:
American Brittany
English Cocker Spaniel
English Springer Spaniel
German Shorthaired Pointer
German Wirehaired Pointer
Gordon Setter
Red Setter
New displays and items are added to these exhibits regularly, so there is always something new to see since your last visit. Also housed in the Sporting Dog Wing is a North American Versatile Hunting Dog Association (NAVHDA) exhibit.
An Endowment Fund has been created to support the operation and maintenance of the Sporting Dog Wing. Donations are welcomed and are IRS tax-deductible to the extent allowed by the tax code. Credit cards are accepted. If sending a check, be sure to write on you check your breed affiliation.